
Based in Vienna, Austria

Founding date:
January 1, 2022


Press / Business contact:

Twitter / X





Mazestalker is currently being developed by one person.


Early history

Florian has 15 long years of proven track record in tech ( research, startups, consulting, etc ). His lifelong passion for game design informed all his activities as User Experience expert. His first foray into the world of video games was in 2010, when he released "LOGOS-Cards", a trading card game based in SecondLife. With an active base of 10.000 player he was humbled by his first success.

Corporate Experience

After that experience he dedicated his time to consulting technology projects and was part of numerous research and project teams, inside and outside of the gaming sector. He built prototypes with emerging technologies and used his wide exposure to scientific design methods to keep an eye out for the right technology for his next gaming project. With the development of Unity3D as a serious contender for a game engine, the emergence of AI and Blockchain technologies, Florian felt it was the right time to start dedicating time to a new game project in 2020. After a failed 2D project that might reemerge in the future, his career took an unexpected turn.


Everyone has their own story for what happened when the pandemic struck. For Florian, this story was a very painfull experience. As everyone around him got well again, he was struck by what we now know as Longcovid, a trialing neurological disease that forced him to withdraw form the active workforce. With nothing to his name but the last bosses words ( "Check yourself for dementia"), he decided to spend his time recovering with a project that helped him keep a positive outlook for life. Over the next four years his health did finally improve, but now he is stuck with a passionate vision for a very unique game.


The development of Mazestalker has been characterized by the essential need for efficiency. Technology has just reached a level where a 3D game of this type is managable by a single individual. However, that window of opportunity is fueled by the need to fill every gap in the long list of ToDos with utmost efficiency. A 3D engine allows for the efficient reuse of assets like 3D objects and animations. Furthermore the Unity asset store unlocks access to many complex components that are provided by industry veterans and would cost years of development otherwise. Mazestalker is being built upon the principle of letting absolutely no task go without several uses stacked on top of each other. So far this strategy has paid off well.



Videolog 1 YouTube

Videolog 2 YouTube

Videolog 3 YouTube

Videolog 4 YouTube

Videolog 5 YouTube

Videolog 6 YouTube



There are far more images available for Mazestalker, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!


Awards & Recognition

  • "n/a" -

Selected Articles

  • "A Very Strange Place To Find A Trading Card Game"
    - The late and great Mike Fahey, Koraku

Florians activity as game reviewer https:.

Project ZIEGE
An educational game editor where Florian was part of the project team https:.

Mario Maker
Florian streamed the creation of levels, which gave him the motivation to create his own project https:.

Team & Repeating Collaborator

Florian-silvester Kraner
Developer, Project Lead

Karl Brueggemann
Music, Freelancer

Brisa Zavala Guerr
Animation, Freelancer

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks